Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rick Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Greg T. Walker Vocals

Jakson Spires Vocals
Church Organ

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T. Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums

Barry Beckett Piano RH
Acoustic Grand Piano

Laura Struzick Vocals

Suzy Storm Vocals

Barbara Wyrick Vocals
As I\'m dream-in\' a-bout my life the on-e that I had be-fore as my thoughts they all drift a-way I kn-ow yes I know yeah nev-er be a-not-her not a-not-her mak-er n-o-o-o no-o-o-o n-o-o not a-not-her mak-er There\'ll nev-er be a-not-her n-o-o-o no-n-o n-o-o Now I look at emp-ty fac-es the ki-nd that ju-st stare back I guess I\'ve b-e-en a Lord and I know nev-er be a-not-her not a-not-her mak-er n-o-o-o no-o-o-o n-o-o not a-not-her mak-er There\'ll nev-er be a-not-h-e-r n-o-o-o n-o-o-o n-o-o There\'ll nev-er be a-not-her not a-not-her mak-er n-o-o-o n-o-o-o n-o-o Bring all the joy that you can bring oh oh oh to the cen-ter of the earth as it sings thun-der-claps through all the hea-ven it rings on your hor-se with it\'s sil-ver wings Whirl-winds play as it flys b-y-y-y-y Know how it feels to fly I close my e-y-es and drift a-way to a-not-her ki-nd of place as long as I kn-o-w oh oh oh that I can pl-a-y my li-f-e it won\'t be a waste nev-er be a-not-her not a-not-her mak-er n-o-o-o no-no-o n-o-o not a-not-her mak-er There\'ll nev-er be a-not-h-e-r n-o-o-o n-o-o-o n-o-o There\'ll nev-er be a-not-her not a-not-her mak-er n-o-o-o n-o-o-o n-o-o oh oh oh oh